Located in the German town of Grünwald near Munich, is this quaint modern residence created by German architectural firm Titus Bernhard Architekten. The home boasts a grey stone exterior that is broken up by large glass windows. Its form is comprised of two masses- on the landscape is a rectangular ground floor, and perched above is another rectangular mass. The upper level is positioned on one end of the ground level and cantilevers out perpendicular to the first floor.
The house’s cantilever is partially supported by an enclosed glass bottom that encases the living room. The rest of cantilever freely lingers, acting as a roof over an outdoor living area. Connecting the indoor and outdoor living rooms is a double-sided fireplace. Inside the home you will find a contemporary interior design and a primary color scheme of neutral colors with ranges of grey and beige.
The kitchen is modernly simple, featuring nude-colored cabinetry with hidden handles and simple hanging light fixtures.