Providing an oasis for its residents and Inspired by a series of challenging situations, the Ontario Residence by Ministry of Design found relevant and authentic solutions that challenged prevailing conventions of local luxury bungalow design.
The first challenge within the 420sq meter design was rooted in the context of site, and looked at how to create a sense of privacy to a house that has little visual privacy from its neighbors in spite of sitting on its own piece of land. The second was to address the awkwardness of the car porch which typically manifests itself as a standalone or disjointed object, so the goal was to incorporate into it seamlessly into the language of the overall building?”
The primary part of the building is built on an assemblage of simple geometries: a vertical tower block juxtaposed with a horizontal block, capped by an overhanging hood – the car porch. The main public spaces are turned inwards towards a double-storey courtyard and lap pool. Organized around this central space, the activities of the residents enjoy a sense of clam privacy bathed in captured natural light from above. The tower houses the master wing, which is constantly cooled by the prevailing cross-breezes.